Lenuta1953 - 40 ani
AM INVATAT ! Am invatat. ca nimeni nu este perfect. Pana cand nu te indragostesti. Am invatat. ca viata e dura. Dar eu si mai si! Am invatat. ca sansele nu trebuie niciodata sa le pierzi. Acelea pe care le pierzi tu, le prinde din zbor o alta persoana. Am invatat ca atunci cind porti pica si amaraciune fericirea se duce in alta parte. Am invatat. Ca ar trebui mereu folosite vorbe bune. Pentru ca maine poate va trebui sa le retragi. Am invatat ca un suris e un mod economic pentru a-ti imbunatati aspectul. Am invatat ca nu pot sa aleg cum ma simt. Dar pot mereu sa fac cate ceva. Am invatat. ca toti vor sa traiasca in virful muntelui. Dar toata fericirea si cresterea au loc in timpul urcusului. Am invatat. ca trebuie sa te bucuri de calatorie si sa nu te gindesti doar la scopul ei. Am invatat. ca e mai bine sa dai sfaturi doar in doua situatii. Cand sant cerute si cand de ele depinde viata cuiva. Am invatat ca, cu cit irosesc mai putin timpul. mai multe lucruri reusesc sa fac! [respectati, respectuos, descrierea] I learned. that no one is perfect. until you fall in love with, I learned. that life is hard, but I m even more and! I learned. that the chances should never lose them, those that you lose you, catch them in flight a another person. I learned. that when Gates fall and bitterness, happiness goes somewhere else. I learned. that you should always use good, because tomorrow may will have to withdraw. I learned. that a taju Den is an economical way to improve your appearance. I learned. that I can t choose how I fel, but I can always do something. I learned. that we all want to live atop the mountain, but all the happiness and growth, take place during are above. I learned. that you have to enjoy the journey and not just the think for them. I learned. it s better to give advice in only two circumstances; When required and when it depends on one s life. I learned. that the waste less time, more things to do. Demonstrates your as kep at them. is very impressive because it s real! " PERFECT BALANCE. THE ONLY WAY TO EXCeD THE LIMITS AS POSSIBLE, IS, TO OVERCOME THEM UP TO IMPOSSIBLE ! The only place of meting with a loved one, it s in the heart of each person, if you think you can, you re right, if you think that you can t have great right YOUR FRIENDS ARE LIKE STARS, DON T Se THEM, BUT THEY RE OUT THERE ALWAYS! Observe description please !
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