Amarige - 40 ani
My name is Christine, I am a sociable person very friendly and outgoing. I love art as I am graphic designer. I am a professional plastic artist and also teacher in field of visual arts, product designer for wooden, stone and metal works and for interior design and adjacent fields in culture institutions like museums, theaters and cultural foundations. I love to explore the rich cultural diversity of the world and also I love the explore the painting art and strive to discover more and more each day. On the other side, I am a big fan of the performing arts and I`m really interested about the new developments appeared in the industry of painting. When I find some fre time I use to study at art therapy because I think its very useful to work with people with all their problems (emotional, physical, and mental) and I love to hear that they are feling much better after passing by. On the whole, I enjoy painting and graphic design and I consider being an amazing job because graphic design is the art or profession of combining texts, pictures, publications or websites. christinenjoy listening to music, badminton, volleyball. I am a big fan of performing arts.
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